A tale of friendship between two unlikely pen pals: Mary, a lonely, eight-year-old girl living in the suburbs of Melbourne, and Max, a forty-four-year old, severely obese man living in…
Matriarchal rivals of neighboring families, whose young adult children become romantically involved – try despite their best efforts – to keep them apart with hilarious results.
Tad would love for his archeologist colleagues to accept him as one of their own, but he always messes everything up. Tad accidentally destroys a sarcophagus and unleashes an ancient…
A thirty-seven-year-old woman wakes up from a twenty-year coma and returns to the high school where she was once a popular cheerleader to finish her senior year and become prom…
Santa Claus’s wish comes true when he accidentally bumps his head and starts believing he’s SuperKlaus. With the help of Billie and Leo his elf-xecutive assistant, SuperKlaus will take on…